tears on the blue tile

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october 2017 - february 2018

note: for official reasons, i won’t mention the name of the research base where i worked. also, all these stories are my experiences and do not intend to represent any larger organizations.

I spent a Southern-hemisphere summer working at a remote research base. How do you get to such a place? Washing dishes, of course!

Working in the galley can be hard. Six days a week, 9 hours a day, and lots of scrubbing and heavy lifting. You work on Christmas serving a feast to everyone else who gets the day off. It’s something to be proud of: you’re helping feed your community. But also, the only way to get through it is to laugh. Like, a lot. Did you know you can laugh so hard you throw up?

This is my little tribute to the fine profession of Steward. For any past-present-future stewies who may be reading, I hope you see some of your experience in mine, and I hope it makes you smile.