how to be tall in a van


Hi. I’m Brooke. I can’t fit in my own house. But tall people gotsta adventure too, so here’s some of my hot tips:

get a stool

… which is also a dirty laundry hamper and can be used as a table. We put felt on the bottom to make sure it doesn’t scuff up the floor. Good for kneeling and sitting.


do yoga all the time

It definitely helps to move with fluidity. Also, chair pose. If you press down and out with your heels like you’re trying to slide them apart, it puts all the work into your booty.

accept that you will hit your head

The good news is, it only takes one good smack to teach you to give that one evil shelf a wide berth.

go outside

You know what’s funny? You put all this work into a van so you can mostly not be in it. Who cares if we sleep in 80 square feet? Our living room is the entire world.