trial period

So! Before we fully committed to van life, we decided to do a two-week trip just to see how everything works. We took the Stratoship down to Great Smoky Mountains National Park so Doug could do fieldwork for an ongoing research project about breeding bird populations and hemlock death caused by the hemlock woody adelgid. And then we slowly made our way back up the East Coast!

Along the way, we compiled a big-ass to-do list and when we got back to Jersey, we methodically whittled it down.

Iterations of our to-do list.

Iterations of our to-do list.

Brooke says: Was the two-week trial period part of your original plan, or did it just kinda work out that way?

Doug says: Yeah, it was. Definitely wanted to get on the road and test things out a little bit, cause figuring out what you need is something that you can only really gain a sense for by living out of the van.

Brooke says: How do you think it went?

Doug says: Excellent. We’ve only been back for 12 days now, and we’ve gotten everything we wanted to do done. We’ve had a lot of good breakthroughs and adjustments.

Brooke says: Yeah dude, we got it done!

Here are some of the things we fixed:

Huge victories:

  • We are two people who live in a cargo van with everything we need and we have room to spare.

  • Simple solutions, like the drawer and vanity restraints.

  • Finding ways to make items pull double duty, like hanging the headlamp so it can also serve as the garage light, or using our panniers and backpacks as storage.

  • Functional storage — I’m thinking in particular of the detachable desk that fits unobtrusively in the kitchenette area while also protecting against messy spills.

  • Dude, there’s barely any rattling!

Things we just had to accept:

  • Inevitably, things will fall off shelves when you drive. When it’s ramen or a t-shirt, you laugh and keep driving. When it is a bottle of olive oil, you pull over and clean it up. Such is van life.

  • There’s always gonna be one more project you might want to do.

Doug says: We originally wanted to get outta here two months ago. We wouldn’t have had the vanity, the countertop, the bug netting, the garage shelves, the pillars. That’s what those two weeks were for. Not everything that coulda gone wrong went wrong, but like you said, I’m really confident about getting on the road now.